Code of Conduct

Our Commitment

At Infinimos, we are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community environment for all members, contributors, and leaders. Regardless of age, body size, disability (visible or invisible), ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, sexual identity and orientation, we pledge to ensure that participation in our community is free from harassment.

We pledge to engage with one another in a manner that promotes openness, diversity, inclusivity, and overall well-being.

Our Expectations

Behaviors that promote a positive community atmosphere include:

Demonstrating empathy and kindness towards others

Respecting diverse opinions, viewpoints, and experiences

Offering and accepting constructive feedback graciously

Taking responsibility for mistakes, apologizing to those affected, and learning from them

Prioritizing the community's best interests

Engaging in discussions about Infinimos functionality and activities

Conversely, unacceptable behaviors include:

Using sexualized language or imagery, or making sexual advances

Engaging in trolling, insults, derogatory comments, or personal attacks

Harassing others publicly or privately

Sharing others' private information without explicit permission

Fixating on digital asset prices or purchasing avenues

Any conduct that could be deemed inappropriate in a professional setting

Enforcement and Reporting

Our community leaders are tasked with upholding these standards and will take fair and appropriate action in response to behavior that violates them. If you encounter abusive or unacceptable behavior, please report it to the designated community leaders at Infinimos Discord(user -report section). All reports will be handled promptly and confidentially.

Consequences for violating our Code of Conduct may include:

Correction: A private warning from community leaders, along with an explanation of the violation and a request for a public apology if necessary.

Warning: For a single incident or series of actions, a warning will be issued with consequences for continued behavior, including a specified period of no interaction with the involved parties.

Temporary Ban: For serious violations, a temporary ban from community interactions will be imposed for a designated time, during which no interaction with the involved parties is permitted.

Permanent Ban: In cases of repeated violations or severe misconduct, a permanent ban from community interactions will be enforced.

All rights reserved by Infinimos Foundations.

Last updated